Welcome To Beersheba International School


Beersheba International School with the motto "Service Before Self", have been serving the Society in the field of education for the last 35 years. The growing number of schools under this organizational umbrella signifies how the need to provide meaningful education, to a large number of children, desirous of growing into educated & liberated human beings, has been fulfilled. Founded and managed by distinguished members and luminaries of society, culled from the various walks of life, the organization has always guided its member schools on the path of progress with their visionary approach & lofty ideas

From the desk of Principal

"Ambitions define a man's future where as Education defines his pathway towards it."At Beersheba International School we are committed to provide our students a holistic environment that promotes self-awareness and competency. We aim producing fore-most leaders of tomorrow who think globally and act locally, who mould their world with honesty, fortitude and hard work in all spheres of human endeavor and existence. Education not only includes the study of wisdom but also the learning of global moral sentiments such as Virtue, Sympathy, Gratitude and Benevolence.


Our Features

Student Satisfaction

The measurement of student satisfaction can be useful to post-secondary institutions, to help them to pinpoint their strengths and identify…

International Students

According to Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), international students are those who travel to a country different from…

Value and Affordability

The recession is driving record numbers of students to higher education in search of marketable degrees and job skills. Faced…

Special Proposition

This law recognizes that the most important factor in a student's academic success is the quality of the teacher in…

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Our Courses


The mathematical sciences are a group of areas of study that includes, in addition to mathematics, those academic disciplines that…

Bio Science

Bio Science is a monthly peer-reviewed scientific journal that is published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the American Institute of Biological Sciences. It was established…


Commerce relates to "the exchange of goods and services, especially on a large scale".  It includes legal, economic, political, social, cultural and…


Art is a diverse range of human activities in creating visual, auditory or performing artifacts (artworks), expressing the author's imaginative,…

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