We are living in a developing country and science has a very vital role to play in the development of any country or the world as a whole. Science has always proved to be a blessing for the mankind. Science has transformed a life by inculcating various luxuries and made human life very comfortable. It is science which has helped man to reach the moon, measure the depth of the sea and revealed many secrets of the living and the non-living. The importance of science in our day to day life can never be underestimated. Science exhibitions in schools at different levels are one of the easiest ways to enhance students interest in science and technology.

Our earth as a whole is facing lots of challenges these days that can be only dealt with the interference of a scientific approach. Problems like global warming, pollution, an alternative to plastic, fuel consumption, energy sources, use of water resources, and other general topics like development in the field of modes of communication, new and better modes of transportation, medicine etc all need a scientific mind. There is no better way than exhibitions in the school.

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